ESG Reporting & Integrated Reporting

How do you create long-term value for your organization with integrated reporting for ESG?

In this interview, Dr. Mr. Brigitte de Graaff, CMA CSCA assistant professor of management accounting at VU University Amsterdam, tells how to create long-term value through integrated thinking and ESG embedded in your organization strategies.

ESG Reporting & Integrated Reporting

What is the role of the Office of Finance in ESG reporting? How do you effectively collect your sustainable data? How do you deal with analyses and reporting? ESG Reporting is a hot topic for the Office of Finance. With our Software Partner, CCH Tagetik, we provided ESG Breakfast sessions for the CFO to take them through the possibilities of the CCH Tagetik ESG solution. We showed how this solution can help you achieve an ESG-compliant and sustainable organization.

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